Byrum C. Lee
Principal Consultant, The Holloway Consulting Group, LLC, 2015-Present

Byrum C. Lee Principal Consultant. He has 40+ years of construction industry experience on over 500 projects and cases. Byrum provides construction consulting/expert services as a Principal Consultant at The Holloway Consulting Group, LLC. Irrespective of the area of construction expertise involved, Byrum delves deeply into the technical aspects. He identifies applicable contractual and performance standards. In addition, he efficiently establishes the causal relationships between key events and the damages claimed. Combined with a legal background honed in both private practice and as in-house counsel for a major developer. Byrum’s superior command of architectural/engineering/construction issues gained through hundreds of previous matters now benefits both Counsel (typically our Client of Record) and the Client of Interest.
Byrum C. Lee Principal Consultant has worked on over 500 design/construction contract disputes. Byrum has advanced knowledge of all aspects of design and construction on projects including virtually every type of horizontal and vertical construction. Also, with project delivery methods from traditional design-bid-build to a variety of integrated project delivery methodologies on both private sector and public projects. Sample areas of technical exposure and experience include:
-Highway, bridge, and airport runway failures involving both asphalt and concrete construction.
-Dam, tunnel, and mining issues including clay core dam failures, concrete surface failures, tunnel collapse and repair. Rock bolting technology, surface mine faulting and slope failures. Fugitive dust and other air, water pollution and environmental issues including surface and underground pollution plumes.
-Industrial and plant processing defects and failures including delays, cost overruns, failure to meet performance specifications. Process failures including inability to scale bench test success to production levels, with major projects in food processing, ethanol production, plastics, medical devices, and more.
-Geotechnical and soils related issues including expansive clays, hydrocompaction issues, collapsible soils, pier uplift and failure, heaving and cracked flatwork. Foundation settlement and foundation heave.
-Civil and site issues including drainage issues, survey and boundary disputes.
-Delay, liquidated damages, extras and lost productivity claims on a wide variety of projects in both the private and public sector; liens, terminations, and bankruptcy.
-Type 1 and Type 2 changed conditions; OSHA and ADA violations, architectural copyright and patent infringement prosecution and defense.
-Defective design and/or construction of foundations, slabs, structural elements, masonry veneer and curtain wall systems. Also window and door assemblies, mechanical and electrical systems, fire alarm and fire suppression systems. In addition, vertical transportation systems, sound attenuation and sound transmission issues, a wide variety of roofing systems, and more.
-Energy plants and energy transmission, oil and gas plants and transmission, and ethanol production from corn solids.
Proven construction industry analyst, expert, and consultant; effective and skilled writer and accomplished public speaker. ACEC Award for Outstanding Contributions to the Engineering Profession, Board Member Architect’s Advisory Council.
Bachelor of Business Administration, Texas Tech University, 1968
Juris Doctorate, Texas Tech University, 1973
With USAF, 1968-1971
USACE Scheduling School, Ft. Belvoir VA, 1990